Supercharging training
for the NHS workforce

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🚀 Jan 2025
Launched across multiple NHS sites
⚡️ 1000+
NHS staff upskilling  in 2025
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Working with NHS trusts and industry leaders to
unlock cost-effective, quality training - at scale
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The Big Problem

40% of NHS staff aren't getting the training they need

(NHS Staff Survey 2023)

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Too Expensive

NHS budgets are under incredible pressure and regularly releasing clinical staff to undertake training is too expensive for many NHS departments.

The result is infrequent on-the-job training, skill fade and lower staff confidence

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Too Understaffed

Even if departments have the budget to release staff for training, this results in rota gaps that are difficult to fill.

All too often this results in NHS staff missing training to cover unmet service demand in clinical areas.

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Too Busy

With high demand across the NHS, it's hard to organise the people, equipment and resources needed to deliver on-the-job training during clinical shifts.

Even e-learning packages are too long to fit into a busy working day.

Our Solution

Bitesize, on-the-job training that fits   in the flow   of clinical work

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Built by NHS clinicians, for NHS clinicians

By combining mobile, AI and virtual reality (VR) technologies we can deliver short, meaningful training that's available during clinical shifts and provides:

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In-year cost savings for NHS trusts
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Fewer rota gaps due to training
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Engaging, immersive on-demand training for all staff
Our Platform

Combining Mobile, AI 
& VR technologies ⚡️

New technologies offer the opportunity to re-imagine training to be more interactive, cost-effective and scalable across the NHS.

  • Gamified, mobile learning app
  • Roleplay with AI-powered avatars
  • Clinical simulation scenarios in VR
  • Real-time, data analytics dashboard
How it Works  
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Case Studies

Real examples of how we're supercharging training for healthcare workers

Partnering with NHS Trusts
Improving NHS maternity safety by scaling on-the-job training

Bitesize training, co-designed with NHS midwives and local women wishing to share their lived experience in AI-powered digital avatars and virtual simulation scenarios

Partnering with Industry
Improving NHS staff confidence in emergency practical skills

After identifying a lack of confidence with essential emergency equipment, we've partnered with industry to deliver fully-immersive, VR simulation training to 1000+ NHS staff across the UK & Ireland

Partnering Globally
Equitable training for healthcare workers in low-income countries

With a global shortage of 10 million healthcare workers, mostly in low-income countries, there is an urgent need for scalable and cost-effective ways to deliver on-the-job training

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It's time to supercharge training

Ready to Upskill?

If you're looking to improve the training you provide to frontline healthcare workers
in a way that's engaging, cost-effective and scalable - we want to work with you.

Contact Us